We strive to protect and preserve our unique historic heritage town, as it is the Gateway to the Hinterland, whilst delivering an effective solution, encompassing all aspects be it social, environmental or economic for the required rail overpass at Landsborough.
We all have an equal vested interest and shared responsibility to achieve a positive mutually accepted solution for our community and township whilst providing tourists and travellers with a “window into our past and Future”.
We want Landsborough to become known as a destination town and to offer tourists and travellers to share in our unique history, and hospitality and essential services provided by our business community.
It is up to us as a community group to be heard and to work as a cohesive team with various authorities, steering committees, and most importantly our community, to achieve a realistic and acceptable outcome for the community and support infrastructure for our township.
We need to have the foresight to make this rail overpass an attraction, so that future generations can be proud of it, whilst enjoying the benefit of inevitable progress within the Landsborough and surrounding community.